Burial land


Mr. Chhert Boer is 81 years old, of the Tampuan indigenous ethnicity, and lives in La-ern Chhorng village, O’Chhum district in Ratanakiri province. He talks about the “ghost burial forest » an ancient indigenous burial ground, which should never be cleared for farming. This place is kept for the burial of villagers in the community and it is not allowed to bring dead people from outside to bury there. If we do, there will be problems in the village. In the past, Tampuan people buried their dead only in the burial forest, never in the farmland or near their houses.


My name is Nhan Chainy. I am 18 years old, of the Tampuan indigenous ethnicity in La-ern Chhorng village, O’Chhum district in Ratanakiri province.


I chose this topic for my film, because I’m afraid the forest land preserved for burial will be taken as personal property, and I want the younger generation to know about it and where it is located.