Snake Eating Ox

Directed by Mitsch Jacques, 2001, 42minutes, French version

The french naturalist Arnoult SEVEAU, made an expedition to know more about a rare species, the wild Cambodian ox. It is the Khting Vor, the ox that can eat snakes. Arnoult SEVEAU follows the track of the animal in his natural milieu. The new animal, named Pseudonovibos spirales, is still a mystery. After several missions and having crossed the whole of Cambodia, he comes back to France without getting the chance to see any specimen. He has only one solution remaining: make a bimolecular analysis thanks to the horns.

Saturday, April 29, 2023, at 5:00 pm, Bophana Center.



  • April 29, 2023 · 5:00 pm
  • Bophana Center
  • Cine Saturday