Family happiness -Online (French version coming soon)

Produced by Women’s Media Center of Cambodia (WMC), 2013, 64min, Khmer version

Sopheap and Sopheak are husband and wife. They have a difficult life at home because Sopheak drinks too much and doesn’t help around the house. However, one day Sopheak is in a motorbike accident, and breaks his leg, leaving her husband responsible for all the housework. This changes Sopheak’s bad domestic habits.
Later, through the support of her husband, and the people of the village, Sopheap is voted as village development manager. Their family is transformed from a trouble’s life, to one of joy.

Saturday, October 09, 2021, 5PM, on Facebook page (Bophana Center).

  • octobre 9, 2021 · 5:00
  • Bophana Center
  • Cine Saturday