The Season of the Palm Trees’ Flowers
by MAO Ayuth, LIM Kvang Ngoc, 24 min, 1980, Khmer version
This documentary is about the history, the harvest and the utility of the palm trees. Through this documentary, we can understand the daily lives of the rural people. The play and different kinds of dance are celebrated in order to recalls about the history of the Khmer Rouge. This documentary also shows about surviving of Phnom Penh city, child care and education and the opening of sugar factory in Kampong Speu.
Show 1 : Palm and Education
by UNDP & TVK, 37 min, 2007, Khmer version with English Subtitle
This is the first show of Equity Weekly Programme. This television magazine is divided into 6 parts. The first part has 6 minutes and shows a press conference to launch the « Equity Weekly » programme that takes place at the Ministry of Information with the presence of the Minister KHIEU KANHARITH. The second part takes 8 minutes and talks about palm sugar manufacturing in Kampong Chhnang. The third part is a 17 minutes debate on education with reports. The debate is presented by the journalist NONG THOUK and the education officer of Save the Children, Norway KEO SARATH. The fourth part is an interview with parliamentarians at the National Assembly by the journalist OUY BUNMY which takes 4 minutes. The fifth part shows a street interview in Phnom Penh about the Equity Weekly which takes 1 minute. The last part is a one-minute campaign piece about impact of plastic bags on the environment.
Saturday, July 30, 2022, 5:00 pm at Bophana Center