Panel Discussion “Reflection on Khmer Rouge History from Perspective of Younger Generation”

Speaker: Mrs. Om Yuvanna, Mr. Keo Seyha, Ms. Oem Sela, and Mr. Sang Nan

In the presence of artists and cultural organizations, a discussion on the role and power of arts and cultural production in the healing and reparation process after experiencing a genocide.

Four speakers will be presenting their perspectives on this issue: Mrs. Om Yuvanna, Classical Dance Instructor at Royal University of Fine Arts; Mr. Keo Seyha, Training Officer at Kdei Karuna Organization; Ms. Oem Sela, Students of history at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, and Mr. Sang Nan, Painting artist.

Free admission

Photo: “Phka Sla Dance Drama” by Sophiline Arts, 2017

  • March 12, 2019 · 4:00 pm
  • Bophana Center
  • Conferences