“Please do not discriminate against union leaders and employees, who are members of the union, because the work of the union is for the betterment of both employees and employers. I would like to request to the Government to increase the wages for garment workers because the price of goods are more expensive.” Mrs. LUY ENG, a garment worker and a union leader in a garment factory in Phnom Penh.
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1. Mr. PIN Nhanh, fishing gear maker in Siem Reap Province
3. Mrs. SOVANN Vary, Tuk Tuk driver, living in Phnom Penh
4. Mrs. AY Vanny, domestic worker, living in Phnom Penh
5. Mrs. MONG Simon, a street vendor in Phnom Penh
6. Miss. HENG Soklin, youth living in Phnom Penh
8. Ms. SreyAun (pseudonym), an entertainment worker in Phnom Penh
9. Ms. Nimnoun (pseudonym), LGBTQ+ and an entertainment service worker in Phnom Penh