Khmer Music in The World

It was directed by Jacques Brunet in 1966-1972. The Bophana Center has completely converted this archive from the original vinyl disc which is conserved comfortably. We hope that people from around the world will provide us more relevant archives about Cambodia.

The Bophana Center would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Thonevath Pou for providing these rare archives to our center for conservation and promotion.

[00:00] Apsara Dance

[12:04] Yum Yeam

[14:16] Angchoeun Kru

[20:43] Thor Yok

[26:01] Khlang Khek Music for Boxing

[30:27] Ayay

[39:45] Phat Cheay

[43:26] Pinpeat Rev and Lear

Directed by Jacques Brunet, 1966-1972

The archive was provided by Mr. Thonevath Pou

Source archive: Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center

All rights reserved.

#Archives #ArchivesPreservation

