Artist Talk: American Arts Incubator
American artist, Michael Kuetemeyer, comes to Phnom Penh for one month to lead the American Arts Incubator in Cambodia. He will lead workshops that combine art and technology skills to address the effects of climate change and deforestation in Cambodia. Understanding sustainability and climate change requires seeing broader spans of time. The new media technologies of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will allow participants to tap into the idea of seeing the past, present and future at the same time, enabling a deeper understanding of the ways in which our actions today determine how the environment is affected in the future.
American Arts Incubator (AAI) is an international creative exchange program managed by ZERO1 in partnership with Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh, and the U.S. Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA).
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