Lakhorn Khol scene “Kumbhakar”

Produced by Department of Cinema and Diffusion, 1990s, 75minute, Khmer version

Krong Reap (Ravana) took Neang Seda from Preah Ream to his island of Langka. He could not win her heart. Still, he was very angry because Neang Seda wouldn’t let him touch her, he orders Kumbhakar to block the waters and Preah Ream’s armies had nothing to drink. Pipaet advised Preah Ream to send Angkut and Hanuman to disturb Kumbhakar and free the waters. Hanuman changed his form into that of a crow, while Angkut changed into the rotting corpse of a dog. The two monkeys floated near the nose of Kumbhakar. The crow (Hanuman) picked open the corpse of the dog (Angkut), and the smell was so bad that Kumbhakar jumped up and ran away, causing the waters to run freely again.

Saturday, April 23, 2022, 5PM at Bophana center.

  • April 23, 2022 · 5:00 pm
  • Bophana Center
  • Cine Saturday