Bophana Center Statement on Allegations of Sexual Harassment

5 November 2022

Bophana Center Statement on Allegations of Sexual Harassment

The Bophana Center has investigated recent allegations of sexual harassment against two members of its staff and has terminated the contracts of both individuals.

“Bophana Centre does not tolerate any forms of sexual harassment or other types of discrimination,” said Director Chea Sopheap. “We are grateful to the victims whose courage brought these issues to light.”

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The Arts of Visibility and Positive Social Change


Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center (ARPAA) and Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization (CIPO) co-implement the project “The Arts of Visibility and Positive Social Change” for 21 months starting from April, 2022 to December 2023. This project is co-funded by Voice through Oxfam in Cambodia, Ford Foundation and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia. Continue reading…