Exploring Angkor – Angkor Wat and Bayon

Sunheng Meng Chheang and Huot Sarith

Sipar, 52 illustrated pages
Available in Khmer or English
2.75 USD (Khmer) or 6 USD (English)

This illustrated book enables people of all ages to discover Angkor Wat and Bayon temples with pleasure and simplicity.

"Exploring Angkor" is the first guidebook for the youth about Angkor. Content is rich; images are nice; illustrations are beautiful; and it gives an overview of the constructions throughout the ages. Page after page, this enjoyable guidebook will guide you to the temples of Angkor Wat and Bayon. You will see, discover and understand the symbols, maps, sculptures, statues, the shape of temples, the peculiarities of the Angkor area as well as the ceremony for the god of fire...
