June 12, 2020
Our Center Reopens
The Bophana Center is pleased to announce that the center will reopen to the public for visiting and researching archives from Monday, June 15, 2020 at 8am.
Since the condition of COVID-19 has not completely recovered, social distancing, good hygiene and temperature measurement are still necessary things for us to do.
The following are some essential practices at our center:
1. The Bophana Center’s archive consultation space is accessible to the public at only 3 people at a time. For the convenience of those who wish to visit the space, please contact us in advance through the Bophana Center’s Facebook page, so we could secure a place for you.
2. Exhibition Hall: The public can visit the exhibition on the ground floor of the center with at least 2m social distancing rule.
3. Cinema: In accordance with the Ministry of Health’s letter No. 041 Sa Kha Lo dated March 17, 2020, we are unable to open the cinema during this period.
4. Any cultural events leading to large gatherings in the center have not been allowed during this time.
The Bophana Center will make another notification when the situation of COVID-19 improves. We would like to thank you for your kind supports and follow-up on our activities. Please maintain social distancing and your personal good hygiene with the utmost caution in order to prevent COVID-19. Regards,