March 23, 2021
Three films of Bophana students selected for AAS 2021 Film Expo
Bophana Center is pleased to announce that 3 films of Bophana filmmaking students have been selected to be displayed in the AAS 2021 Film Expo, a conference located in the United States, which is scheduled for March 21-26, 2021 as a virtual, online program.
AAS 2021 Film Expo features 28 films which also include 3 films made by Bophana students in the framework of the project “Amplifying Voices of Indigenous Women and Discriminated Groups through innovative multimedia”: On the Move (directed by Minea Heng), Worry (directed by Chhouk Loeurn and Pring Proel), and No Choice (directed by Roda Din).
In addition, the conference also features 21 Q&A sessions. Mr. Sopheap Chea, Executive Director of Bophana Center will join as a speaker in a session on March 26, 2021, at 9PM (Cambodia Time).
To find out details regarding the conference and its program, please click HERE.
Congratulations on your great work!