Bophana Center Statement on Allegations of Sexual Harassment

5 November 2022

Bophana Center Statement on Allegations of Sexual Harassment

The Bophana Center has investigated recent allegations of sexual harassment against two members of its staff and has terminated the contracts of both individuals.

“Bophana Centre does not tolerate any forms of sexual harassment or other types of discrimination,” said Director Chea Sopheap. “We are grateful to the victims whose courage brought these issues to light.”

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The Arts of Visibility and Positive Social Change


Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center (ARPAA) and Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization (CIPO) co-implement the project “The Arts of Visibility and Positive Social Change” for 21 months starting from April, 2022 to December 2023. This project is co-funded by Voice through Oxfam in Cambodia, Ford Foundation and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia. Continue reading…

“Mirror” Dignity Art Exhibition

Baykork produced 12 art pieces in total, divided into 2 different key concepts. The first 6 pieces followed the concept of “light reflection drawings.” They use art as a tool to express feelings and emotions around gender-based violence. Light reflection drawings allow viewers to see two visions within one piece of artwork. The artist team used black drawings on white backgrounds for the main image, but when a lightbox behind the piece was lit, a second overlay image became visible, adding additional meaning to the action depicted. The other 6 art pieces were drawn in color on black backgrounds and illustrated themes of women’s empowerment artworks.
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Mobile Screening

Bophana Center would like to invite you to our Mobile Screening under the project “Elephant Conservation and Indigenous Experiences in Cambodia” project. Three documentary films will be screened followed by a discussion with film producers.

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“My Home” Best Environmental Impact Film at the 2021 Piermont Film Festival

Bophana Center is excited and congratulates the five young filmmakers: Ms. Sopheana Choun, Ms. Choulay Mech, Mr. Sopheak Yam, Mr. Sochetra Mean, and Mr. Pisen Chhean, documentary filmmaking and multimedia alumni at the Bophana Center, whose film “My Home” has been selected as the “Best Environmental Impact Film” at the 2021 Piermont Film Festival. Congrats!!!

The festival is taking place at Goswick Pavilion, Piermont, New York, USA, on June 12-13, 2021. For more info about the festival, please click HERE.

More immensely, our audience will be able to enjoy the film online on June 5, 2021, which is the World Environment Day 2021. For more info about the program, please click HERE.

“My Home” was produced in the framework of the project “Elephant Conservation and Indigenous Experiences in Cambodia: Shaping Environmental Awareness Through Participatory Filmmaking” which is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, implemented by Bophana Center, in collaboration with University of Bath, University of Leeds, Queen’s University Belfast, and Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment (ELIE).

Happy Khmer New Year from Bophana Center

Bophana Center wishes you a Happy Khmer New Year and may you overcome all diseases, especially COVID-19, which is spreading in Cambodia. Please remember well the guidance on the “3 dos and 3 don’ts” to protect yourself, your family and loved ones.

Stay at home and enjoy our online screening program to celebrate the Khmer New Year. On this occasion, we’re pleased to show you a Cambodian classic film, Tep Sodachan, which will be screened LIVE on our Facebook page, YouTube channel and website.

Please stay safe, and have a good holiday!
From Bophana Center team,

Three films of Bophana students selected for AAS 2021 Film Expo

Bophana Center is pleased to announce that 3 films of Bophana filmmaking students have been selected to be displayed in the AAS 2021 Film Expo, a conference located in the United States, which is scheduled for March 21-26, 2021 as a virtual, online program.

AAS 2021 Film Expo features 28 films which also include 3 films made by Bophana students in the framework of the project “Amplifying Voices of Indigenous Women and Discriminated Groups through innovative multimedia”: On the Move (directed by Minea Heng), Worry (directed by Chhouk Loeurn and Pring Proel), and No Choice (directed by Roda Din).

In addition, the conference also features 21 Q&A sessions. Mr. Sopheap Chea, Executive Director of Bophana Center will join as a speaker in a session on March 26, 2021, at 9PM (Cambodia Time).

To find out details regarding the conference and its program, please click HERE.

Congratulations on your great work!